The Wonder Years
Set in the late 1960s, this coming-of-age tale nostalgically explores the life of a black middle-class family in Montgomery, Alabama, as seen through the eyes of the imaginative 12-year-old Dean. Reflecting with the insight of his adult years, Dean’s optimistic and humorous memories reveal how his family discovered their own “wonder years” amidst a period of upheaval. This story draws inspiration from the iconic series of the same name.
Views: 2
Director: Saladin K. Patterson
Studio: 20th Television, Lee Daniels Entertainment, Matthew 6:33, The Crest Lamp Company
Creators: Saladin K. Patterson
TV Status: Canceled
21minRelease: 2021
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 7.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Networks: ABC
Starring: Amari O'Neil, Don Cheadle, Dulé Hill, Elisha Williams, Julian Lerner, Laura Kariuki, Milan Ray, Saycon Sengbloh